What does the Electric Handyman service include??

  • Placing or changing light bulbs, neon tubes, fluorescent lights and bells.
  • Installation of lamps.
  • Installation of wall and ceiling lamps.
  • Placing or changing plugs and switches.
  • Installation of technological equipment.
  • 3 hours free labor
  • 2 hours of free electric handyman every year

IDSFACTURA - 1477689799017,1477689799461,1477700932994,1477701235553,1477701236317,1477703987389,1477708270848,1477708268853,1477708348428,1477708347818,147771399324,14777474232907,1477713993247,1615611322387,1615621302314

IDSPAGE - 1477681388434

argssite - GNF